Thursday 10 December 2009

Buffy and Angel Rewatch part 20

B.09 Something Blue
Probably one of the lighter episode of this season, this episode has some fun moments. Willow drunk was pretty funny, as was Giles. Buffy and Spike provide the most humourous moments; it was obviously their romantic chemistry here which fueled the ideas for their relationship later in the show. I also liked the beginnings of Buffy and Riley's relationship, it was kinda sweet. I do think the Scoobies are being a little harsh on Willow for her moping about Oz, though I can see their point of view, a moping friend can be a little bit much to handle sometimes. Overall this was a good episode, not stellar, but enjoyable. (8/10)

A1.09 Hero
I think this is my most watched Angel episode, Everything about this episode is just amazing; the theme of heroes, especially unlikely ones, runs throughout the episode perfectly bookended by the adverts for Angel Investigations which become much more poignant at the end. Doyle's death at the end of this episode, brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it. His death is wildly unsatisfying in that we only 9 episodes of Doyle, yet probably the most meaningful and satisfying death in the entire show, in that he dies a true hero. Glenn Quinn is excellent in this episode, I loved learning more about Doyle's history and also his interactions with Cordy. The Scourge and half demon family storyline was the perfect compliment for this episode. The idea of helping demons (an issue raised by Cordy) really helps distinguish Angel from Buffy, in that Angel is always more willing to help demons as there isn't that black and white line between good/bad, human/demons in this show. (10/10)

B4.10 Hush
The first and only ever time I watched this episode, it scared the hell out of me and so I made sure I watched it in the middle of the day so as not to give myself nightmares again!! The episode didn't scare me as mush this time, so I got to see just how excellent this episode truly is. The lack of speech makes it compelling viewing as you have to watch the screen to know whats going on. The Gentlemen are brilliantly scary and even though they came from a fairytale, which made the episode a little similar to season 3's Gingerbread, the rest of the episode worked so well, you could gloss over that a little. The episode also excelled in that there was a lot of relationship progression for all the Scoobies, even Giles. Its amazing that in such a packed episode, there was time for all of that as well. The music and superb acting from all of the cast made this episode even more incredible (10/10)

B4.11 Doomed
Honestly this episode is a little boring. Sure it would be hard to top the previous Buffy episode but still, its not the best episode. The Riley/Buffy storyline, starts of good; I liked their initial conversation where Riley didn't know who the Slayer was, but it got progressively more boring through the episode with Buffy's reluctance and Riley's almost stalkerish persistence. The Spike trying to kill himself storyline was a bit ridiculous. I know Willow may feel bad for him, but it seems silly after all that he's done to them (without the remorse that Angel had when he was re-ensouled), that they wouldn't just let him kill himself. In would be a lot better for all of them.
Even though it was kinda neat to see the school again, the random apocalypse thing is a little tired. I did like that they hadn't completely forgotten that the Hellmouth existed though. (6/10)


shawnlunn2002 said...

Something Blue is hilarious, Hush is a classic and Doomed is dull. Didn't love that one.

Hero is a great episode, wonderful way to depart Doyle. Where's Parting Gifts and Somnabulist?

Nat said...

Parting Gifts and Somnabulist will be in the next blog/ The episode order is a little screwy from here onwards so there'll be a few Angel heavy or Buffy heavy blogs for a while!