Tuesday 30 March 2010

Buffy and Angel Rewatch part 43

A3.06 Billy
This is an interesting episode looking at girl power in the face of male misogyny. I really liked that Cordy was the one to play the hero of sorts in this episode, she's a major member of the team, but rarely fights so it was good to see her saving the day, even if she isn't the one to directly do it. She does do it through Lilah with their brilliant scene together and its good to see Lilah come through, even if she, as she puts it, isn't a Lindsey.
The more chilling part of the episode is Wesley chasing Fred, who shows what she's made off here. But poor Wesley, bad things always happen to him. Just when he is considering acting on his feelings for Fred this happens. Ironically him so deeply questioning his 'manhood' is what makes him such a good man, but obviously he's far too tortured to see it.
As a villain, Billy is interesting, more so that he's partly human. He wasn't that creepy though, Alexis Denisof pulled off the creepy far better, which meant that Billy wasn't as scary as he perhaps should've been. (7.5/10)

B6.09 Smashed
This is a bit of an aimless episode in a way, though its probably best viewed as a two parter. It was nice to see Amy back and have her rat story finally solved. You can't blame her for wanting a little fun after 3 years as a rat but when did she get so powerful? Was she that powerful in high school?
As for Buffy and Spike, their storyline got a lot more interesting at the end with their awesome fight and *ahem* climactic end. It seems like a bit of a plot convenience that Spike can now hurt Buffy, but the pair had their best chemistry whilst fighting so it fits in with the overall story.
There wasn't much for Anya and Xander to do apart from comment on magic and I did like seeing Tara and Dawn spend some time together; it makes sense and is a great way to keep Tara in the show. (7.5/10)

B6.10 Wrecked
A lot of people don't like the magic as drug addiction metaphor, but personally I think it works, honestly I've found the past analogies for sex and drink the show has used much harder to buy. The addiction did come over very quickly though I guess its been coming since the season opener. Rack is a creepy guy and the scenes at his place were weird, but added to the dark nature of this episode. Willow high on magic towards the end of the episode was also weird to watch as its such a different Willow than we're used to knowing. Alyson Hannigan plays it brilliantly though as does Michelle Tratchenberg as the terrified teen.
Buffy and Spike were good to watch in this episode though they talked a little bit too much and it often went round in circles, making it a little repetitive. (8/10)

B6.11 Gone
This was a bit of a silly yet very fun episode. Buffy enjoyed herself being invisible and that came through in the episode. Buffy's hijinks when she was invisible were fun and brought some light hearted humour after the last two darker episodes. The trio are little annoying and ineffectual, but their first meeting with Buffy was funny to watch as she slowly realised who they all were and also this tied up the diamond stealing from two episodes ago.
I'm not sure if I entirely get why Dawn was so angry with Willow, it was really her fault, but it fit in with the story I guess. Xander and Anya again didn't have much at all to do, which is a bit of a shame. (8/10)

Also I just want to add RIP Andy Hallet whose one year anniversary was on the 29th March.


shawnlunn2002 said...

Poor Andy Hallett, I hadn't realised that a year had passed since his death.

Interesting set of episodes here. Billiy is one of my favourite Angel episodes and I really do like Smashed, despite the fact that chemistry aside, Buffy and Spike are an awful pairing.

Nat said...

Yes, its saddened me when I realised it. Haven't had a chance to post the links, but there was some stuff from Danid Boreanez and Mark Lutz (Groo) about him recently. I'll see if I can find the links but the DB article was on DS so you may have seen it.