Monday 30 November 2009

Buffy and Angel Rewatch part 19

B4.07 The Initiative
A fairly good introduction to the Initiative, adding in the personal element with Spike being one of their prisoners. It was a very subtle introduction as well with the boys just walking into the Initiative like an everyday activity. The episode is funny in places, Harmony and Xander's fight, and the Spike and Willow scene. However mostly the episode isn't that interesting as it mostly deals with the Initiative. Rile isn't hugely likeable here- he talks like a guy from the 1950's with Willow (courting?! really?!) and the banter between the Riley seemed weird and forced, though his inability to talk to Buffy was kinda sweet. (6.5/10)

A1.07 The Bachelor Party
A lot of people don't like this episode but I love it, partly because its the only Doyle centric one we get. We learn a lot about Doyle in this episode, his past, his demon history, his ex-wife and it all really helps explains who he is today. Whilst the actual storyline of the ex wife and her fiance wanting to eat Doyles brains is just fun and a little bit filler. the interaction and friendship between Angel and Doyle and the budding romance between Doyle and Cordy is just pure joy to watch. Maybe its because we only get a few episodes of these dynamics but it just really works and is such an enjoyable element of the show. (8/10)

B4.08 Pangs
I wasn't really looking forward to this episode, maybe its the whole Thanksgiving element to it, which I don't share the appeal of, however the episode was a lot funnier than I remember. Giles Xander and Spike in particular had some good one liners, though the girls were funny too. The Thanksgiving storyline in itself was decent enough; I like the debate and history it provided about Thanksgiving, instead of the usual TV fare which doesn't really explore this. Angel's interactions were a little forced though and he didn't quite work in the episode for some reason. Maybe its just the change we've seen in his character since the spin-off started, that means he doesn't quite fit in Buffy's world anymore. Either way the episode acts as a decent prequel to the next episode in Angel. (7.5/10)

A1.08 I Will Remember You
I think this might be one of the few episodes I'll enjoy less watching this time than the first time. When I originally saw the episode I loved this episode; I was a bigger Buffy/Angel shipper then. However now, a lot of the dialogue between the couple feels overly dramatic and it felt a bit repetitive in places as well. There is much less chemistry between Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz then there was, say in season 1 or 2 of Buffy, which means there relationship doesn't work quite as well in this episode. Personally I think their cross-over appearances here show that neither character belongs in each others worlds now. Still there are some nice moments between the main couple as well as Cordy and Doyle. I liked the introduction of the Oracles as well. (8/10)


shawnlunn2002 said...

Mixed bag again - didn't really enjoy either The Initiative or The Bachelor Party but I did enjoy both Pangs and I Will Remember You. Interesting crossover episodes (though Fool For Love/Darla are better).

Nat said...

I agree on Fool for Love/Darla being better crossover episodes. Maybe its because we get a rare glimpse into Spike and Darla's past whereas the Buffy/Angel relationship is a little tired.

shawnlunn2002 said...

I don't know if you read this on TV Tome but here's that Buffy fic I scribed on Friday.

Nat said...

Just read it now, hadn't seen the link on your blog but I have now!! I'll post my comment here and on your tvtome blog so you'll definitely see it!

Really liked the story! I don't read much fanfiction but it was very enjoyable. I was a bit confused at first but that's probably because I didn't read the beginning bit that it was set before A Long Way Home. I really like the idea of them using an advert to contact other Slayers, makes a lot of sense really. Great work!!