Saturday 28 November 2009

Buffy and Angel Rewatch part 18

B4.05 Beer Bad
This episode has a bad rap and its mostly deservedly so. Its a very preachy episode on the perils of drinking and although the silliness of this episode made it feel a bit season 1/early season 2-ish, since the caveman themselves didn't really have a nefarious purpose like most villains of the week, they were pretty boring. Also in my experience college boys are not really like the college cavemen (before the beer), they're not really thinking about philosophy, their minds are probably closer to where Parker's was! Speaking of, it was a decent enough way to end of that storyline, Buffy mooning over him couldn't of gone on forever. I love the episode bookends though with Buffy dreaming of him begging for her forgiveness and it actually happening at the end with her not forgiving him. (5.5/10)

A1.05 Rm w/a Vu
I really like this episode, its spooky enough without being too spooky, and its an interesting take on the ghost/poltergeist storyline. As a Cordy/Doyle centred story, this episode works quite well, looking at both their pasts. Cordy has had a little experience with ghosts in Sunnydale (with Marcie the invisible girl) which perhaps explains why she was both so scared and so able to stand up to the ghost. I love the Dennis ghost twist at the end and having him around in later episodes. We didn't egt to see as much of Doyle's past but I liked the hints at it, suggesting that there's more to Doyle than meets the eye. (8.5/10)

B4.06 Wild At Heart
As a Willow/Oz and particularly an Oz fan, this is always a very sad episode for me. Their break-up is really tragic and both of their final tears are heartbreaking to watch. Since Seth Green wanted to leave, in a way this was a great episode for him to leave on as it gives him a chance to show case his acting skills, Alyson Hannigan too, as both pull off wonderful performances here. Veruca is a very annoying character, but she is integral to the story so I try to ignore the annoyances for the most part. I also really like Buffy's role here as she's being the best friend which is always an aspect of Buffy I liked. The girls get a lot less closer as the show goes on, they're close again in season 5 but after that they're never as close as they are here and earlier on in the show. (8.5/10)

A1.06 Sense and Sensitivity
A Kate-centric episode that really did not work at all. In a way I can see what the writers were trying to achieve with the character of Kate. In setting up the shows individual identity they wanted a character outside of the core group , but still connected who could be the lead (as it were) of the episode. However since Kate isn't really a very likeable or interesting character, this technique doesn't really work and the episode falls flat because of it. Kate dealing with criminals and the rest of the police aren't really that interesting here nor are here daddy issues. This episode is saved by the re-introduction of Wolfram & Hart who had an interesting role to play here, an some pretty funny moments with Angel being sensitive. (5.5/10)


shawnlunn2002 said...

I don't mind Beer Bad, despite being overly preachy and the like. Wild At Heart is a wonderful episode. I liked it when I first saw it but I like it more now.

Rm w/a Vu was a fun episode, even if Cordy mocked Buffy (or maybe because of it). I didn't enjoy Sense And Sensitivity all that much though.

Nat said...

I think you must be one of the few to not hate Beer Bad. Admittedly I didn't hate it as much this time round, but I still didn't love it.