Saturday 17 October 2009

Buffy and Angel Rewatch part 11

3.05 Homecoming

Another average episode. It's notable really for two things- the first appearance of the Mayor (one of my favourite villains so I enjoyed this bit) and the start of the Willow/Xander affair (which I don't like). In a way I understand why Xander and Willow had to get together, Willows long-time love of Xander was never properly addressed between the two of them and this storyline brings some closure to that story thread. However, since I'm a fan of the Willow/Oz and Xander/Cordy relationships I don't really enjoy the two of them getting together, even though thankfully it is brief and over in just a disc of my DVD watching.
I think what really brings this episode down for me, is Buffy's whining about wanting something normal. I'm really not a fan of her doing that so often and whilst I am somewhat sympathetic towards her desires for a normal life, as lets face it, we all want what we don't have, her whining is often grating. However the competition elements of this episode were fun, I love the idea of Slayerfest, its pretty funny and like the Mayor, I love the title. The Homecoming Queen title is less entertaining but gives some good lighthearted moments for the show, the ending is especially funny. (6.5/10)

3.06 Band Candy

A personal favourite of mine I must confess, this is easily one of the most fun Buffy episodes of the entire show. Whilst the sacrificing babies to a demon wasn't the most original or exciting reasons for the story, I loved seeing the Sunnydale adults act like children. Snyder was hilarious as the geeky teenage boy, but my favourite was definitely Giles as his teenage alter-ego Ripper. His and Joyce's little romance was hilarious to watch, I like that they were the too-cool-for-school, lawbreaking teen couple. It was really fun to watch both characters out of their usual parental boxes and it made for some classic moments. Ethan Rayne is also back for this episode which adds to the fun factor, and we also get to see the Mayor do some actual evil for the first time instead of just talk about it. The main dampener on this episode for me was the Willow and Xander stuff which I'm still really not liking. (9/10)

3.07 Revelations

A decent enough episode, the idea of a rogue Watcher is a neat one especially since we'll get a rogue Slayer soon. Gwendoline Post, does a good job of fooling the Scoobies in this episode in her quest for power. The final climactic scene is very enjoyable with the Slayer's first fight and the lightning power.
The discovery of Angel is probably more important within in the episode. The Angel and Buffy stuff is very angsty in this episode and quite boring. I love that Xander is the first one to discover Angel is alive (apart from Buffy obviously) as it makes for some great drama; his and Giles anger is completely justified and its surprising that they relent so quickly, by then end of the episode. Faith is oddly more offended by Buffy's lies, she really takes it personally, which considering she's had no dealings with Angel before and is relatively new to Buffy's life she doesn't really have a right to. Still as a plot point it brings her sense of betrayal and only-rely-on-myself attitude to the fore. (7.5/10)

3.08 Lovers Walk

This is easily my favourite Spike episode. James Marsters is at his best here, feisty, fighting and funny. I think Spike is generally best when he doesn't care, he's not as fun when he's in love whether it be with Drusilla or Buffy. Its undoubtedly this performance that helped convince the writers he should be brought back for season 4.
He definitely helped to bring a comedic presence to the episode, which otherwise was quite a tragic episode, with Oz and Cordy finding out about Willow and Xander. I've said in the last few episode reviews that I don't really like that particular storyline but it comes to a head here in a sensational manner. Cordy's near death and telling Xander to leave her alone was heartbreaking and really well done. Its a shame that the relationship ended so early in the season, relegating Cordy back to part-time Scooby status- luckily Joss had the foresight to bring her to the forefront in Angel.
The Buffy/Angel stuff was less entertaining, though I loved the angle Spike shone onto their relationship. I did like Buffy contemplating her future away from Sunnydale- though it annoyed me that her only reason for staying was Angel, who if they wanted, could also move with her, because its not like he has much holding him to Sunnydale apart from Buffy! (8.5/10)

1 comment:

shawnlunn2002 said...

I like all these episodes. Homecoming is good for Cordy, Band Candy is silly but good silly. Revelations is a nice one for Faith and Lover's Walk is one I've enjoyed more on repeats.