Saturday 30 January 2010

The Good, The Bad ,The Ugly, and The Riculous

The Good

How I Met Your Mother has been renewed. I don't watch the show personally but Neil Patrick Harris and Alyson Hannigan are wonderful actors and fully deserve success with the show.

Dexter was a big winner at both the Golden Globes and SAG awards. Admittedly I haven't seen the 4th season for which the awards were won, but I'm sure they're very deserved!

The Bad

Rob Lowe is leaving and Calista Flockhart is reducing her role on Brothers and Sisters. Neither is great news for the show though I am more concerned about Calista Flockhart not being there as much. The show does need her, though hopefully she'll still be in it plenty.

The Ugly

Ugly Betty has been officially cancelled. Not a huge shock given its ratings but still a real shame. happily though the show has been given time to construct a series finale. Apparently it will include a wedding!

The Ridiculous

Steve Carrell wants to make a US version of Only Fools and Horses. I cannot think of anything worse. Also I'm not sure he really understands the core of the show if he thinks it can be remade.

Greg Gruberg thinks it was a timing change that affected Heroes' ratings. Yes of course Greg, it had nothing to due to the vast drop in creative quality that followed the first season!

Producers want to make a third Sex and The City film. This will be its last because they want to "go out on a high." Yes really. SATC finished on a high in May 2004 on HBO, everything since has felt cheap.


shawnlunn2002 said...

I've heard so many great things about Dexter's fourth season that I can't wait to see it. I think FXUK are going to air it after True Blood's second season.

Heroes needs to end soon, it's lost it's way and I can't be bothered with it anymore.

Shame about Ugly Betty because from what I've been watching on Irish TV, Season 4's actually been pretty good.

More sad about Calista's reduced role than Rob leaving though.

Julie Benz and John Barrowman are both in Desperate Housewives this season. The former's playing a stripper and the latter's a villain. Interesting huh?

Nat said...

Yeah I'm really excited about s4 of Dexter, if its after True Blood it should be April time right? Hope so, its been a long wait!

I was really sad about Calista's reduced role initially but I think if they work it right it might not be too big a deal. For instance if she's missing from a few episodes but plays a significant role in most episode it will be ok.

Looking forward to Julie Benz as the stripper. I've seen pictures and she looks amazing!!