Monday 11 January 2010

Duh News and some other exciting stuff!

Duh News of the Week

Glee has been renewed for a second season! Great news but it was a dead cert given its huge popularity. It premieres tonight (properly) on E4 and is already getting some great buzz.

Exciting News!!!

Will Arnett says that the Arrested Development movie will shoot this year!! Now this may be a red herring and there have been a lot of rumours and since its only January, I could be waiting a long time for this to actually come true but its exciting news nonetheless. Its such a terrific show and unlike other TV shows (*cough* Sex and the City) it deserves a movie version. Plus I'm confident Mitch Hurwitz will produce a great script.

HBO have finally released a trailer and airdate (April 11th) for David Simon's (The Wire) hotly anticipated new show Treme, set in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. The trailer doesn't give much away, but after watching Generation Kill recently (blog to follow soon), I'm very excited to see this new show.


shawnlunn2002 said...

Not surprised about Glee one bit but it's much deserved.

Interesting series, Treme looks to be. Might give it a go.

I blogged about that Buffy comic spoiler.

Nat said...

Did you watch the next episode of Glee?? Will you be reviewing it??

Commented on the Buffy comic spoiler. Its definitely done a job of creating a bit of buzz for the comic book series!

shawnlunn2002 said...

I have to catch up with it tomorrow, just got through Dollhouse there and that was fun. In terms of reviews, I'll comment on them as I go on. It does look good though.

The buzz has hit the roof with that comic spoiler.

Nat said...

Are you watching Dollhouse at US pace?? I haven't caught up with the episodes, I might wait until its on Sci Fi or not I haven't decided yet.

Nat said...

Scratch taht, just learn that Dollhouse came back to sci-fi yesterday and I missed it :( Will have to catch up tomorrow.