Wednesday 1 September 2010

Brothers and Sisters- season 5 spoilers

After reading recent B&S spoilers which made me feel a little bit queasy (Luc becoming an underwear model) and shock horror, miss Rob Lowe (Kitty having another identity crisis and Balthazar Getty not appearing at all), the latest press release and premiere photos have made excited for the start of season 5.

I like that the family have been estranged for a little while- this was similar to in the pilot so hopefully we can see a spark of the old B&S back. I hope we get some flashbacks at some point to find out what happened during the year though.

Justin looks way cool with his shaved head, though admittedly I have no idea what he's doing in military uniform as last we heard he was off to Haiti to be a doctor. Kitty's son also looks mighty big for a 3 year old

1 comment:

shawnlunn2002 said...

Great minds think alike. Just blogged about this as well.

Season 5 is looking interesting.