Saturday, 24 April 2010

Buffy and Angel Rewatch part 49

A3.20 A New World
Its very fitting that one his first day on Earth, Connor would get mixed up with a junkie and her dealer. Angel (the show) begun with the mission of looking/helping those lost in the bright lights of LA and who is more lost than a homeless teen junkie? It provides a more than fitting story in which to develop Connor. Though not much character development gets done, we do begin to see a little more as to what Connor is like and how he has been brought up, his naivety is mostly endearing, especially when it came to chocolate(!) and his fighting skills are incredible. I really liked that leap of the bridge- very cool.
Angel attempted to bond with Connor the only way he knew how; words aren't really his thing as we've seen many times before, Angel isn't that good at professing his feelings; however taking a bullet for his son does mean a little something, even if he can't be killed by it. (8.5/10)

A3.21 Benediction
Not quite as good as the last episode, this one mostly provides a stepping stone towards the finale. Holtz' actions here are definitely interesting. He clearly loves Connor, but his hate for Angel runs deep, so using Justine to trick Connor into believing Angelus killed him? Well it definitely solves his Angel revenge plot, but it robs Connor of the chance to bond with his father so is in conflict with the love he feels for Connor. Its all very complicated. I guess Holtz didn't come all this way to let Angelus go.
There were definitely some good parts to the story, the whole club scene- Wes and Lilah's conversation and realisation that Connor's back, Angel and Connor bonding over fighting, Cordy seeing it in her vision- all of it was a lot of fun and is one of the best parts of the episode.
The only other story we really got was Groo realising that his feelings for Cordy are not reciprocated and apart from jealousy last episode, he's taken it very valiantly. In that respect he's so similar to Angel who reacted the very same way just a few episodes ago. (7.5/10)

A3.22 Tomorrow
In true Whedon style, happiness is always followed by a great tragedy and that's definitely what happens here. For Angel, Connor is back and seemingly happy, and Cordy's feelings for him are mutual; Fred was right to poke him with a stick because that's pretty close to true happiness. Maybe its for the best then, that Connor sends him to the bottom of the ocean.
As a season finale goes this ones okay, but perhaps not the best. A lot of loose ends of the season get tied up, Holtz is dead and Justine carries out his final wishes alongside Connor, Groo and Lorne take off (the former for good), and Linwood attempts revenge on Angel. However just as many new stories are opened, Wes and Lilah begin their sexual relationship (which I think was a great idea as they have wonderful chemistry together and are such an unlikely couple), Connor punishes Angel to a lifetime in the sea and Cordy is transformed into a higher power. Though I love the poetry of one going up whilst the other goes down, since I know what happens in season4, I'm not sure I love the idea of Cordy ascending. Her character has been developing over the years and it is fitting in a way, but I'm not wholly behind the idea. Its also sad that they never got to tell each other they loved each other. Its funny, their relationship has been coming for a long time, especially this season, but in this episode it felt awkward, maybe a little rushed as this was the finale. (8.5/10)

B6.18 Entropy
Its nice seeing Tara and Willow together at the end of this episode since for the other couples in the show, things are so bad. Spike and Anya having sex in this episode kind of makes sense as to an extent they've both always been outsider Scoobies and recently dumped and currently evil, its understandable that they would seek comfort in each other.
Apart from this development, much of the rest of the action feels like a calm before the storm. Anya tries to get a wish in a series of very funny scenes, Buffy and Dawn spend some time together, and the Trio continue with their evil doing. The revelation of the cameras is mostly a plot device, since I doubt the Trio need to keep such tight tabs on the Slayer whereabouts, but it works within the story. (7/10)


shawnlunn2002 said...

The Angel episodes are great, my fave being Tomorrow from the bunch which has gotten better ipon rewatches.

Entropy's a good episode but clearly a set piece for the final four of Buffy's sixth season.

Nat said...

I don't think I mentioned it in this set of reviews, but a lot of Angel's episodes are hard to review in the later seasons as they are part of arcs; the earlier Darla birth one is a good example. Its makes it difficult to review episodes individually as they are part of something larger.
That being said for the this Angel arc, Tomorrow was a good episode and a good finale.