Thursday, 1 April 2010

Buffy and Angel Rewatch part 44

A3.07 Offspring
The beginning of a story arc, its hard to review this and subsequent episodes as individual episodes as they are part of a much larger story. This episode however is a good kick-off to the arc. There were some sweet happy moments; Angel realising his feelings for Cordy, Wes bumbling again but still managing to be a good investigator, and the team generally all feeling like a team.
It feels like a lot of time has passed in the show since the reveal that Darla was pregnant and here we finally see what she's capable of even whilst she is pregnant. Cordy's initial sympathy with her is an interesting angle and one that makes sense; as she comments in this episode she was also mystically pregnant once, but her sympathy arises more out of anger for Angel than anything else. The scene in which Angel and Darla come to the realization that their baby has a heartbeat and a soul is a very powerful one. Its perhaps a bit of a jump- does heartbeat equal soul?- but sets up for an exciting arc ahead.
I can't not mention Holtz arising and it totally works with the shock factor at the end. The earlier flashback was a nice subtle way to set up for his arrival too. (8/10)

A3.08 Quickening
A great and an action packed episode. First of all there was Holtz' arrival. We got to see some of the flashbacks that contributed to him being brought to modern day LA, which helped fill in the puzzle. I do feel a little more comedy could've been brought during the scene between him and Sahjhan, where Holtz learnt the history that he has missed. However it was a lot of fun to realise that he had manage to dispatch the Wolfram and Hart SWAT guys, single handedly.
Speaking of, Wolfram and Hart had to be involved at some point and it was great to see them on their toes about this latest development. I liked the sheer number of psychics and seers they brought in as well as the paranormal obstetrician, the idea that the demon world is so similar to the human world is pretty funny and I like it when Angel (the show) delves into that. Sadly though Linwood and Gavin Park are not nearly as interesting as Holland Manners and Lindsey which means it Lilah carrying the W&H scenes for the most part.
Finally to Darla and her impending birth. Julie Benz is a terrific actor and its fun watching her switch from mother to vampire mode and back again. It was also sweet when Angel realised he was going to have a son, very touching scene. The vampire cult I could do without, but it makes sense at least. (8.5/10)

A3.09 Lullaby
Another great episode and a brilliant end to the Darla pregnant arc. The scenes between Angel and Darla throughout the episode are beautiful and yet so tragic. It was a great idea to kill Darla, even though its sad to see her go as a character. It added a poetry to the birth that was very beautiful. Even in quieter scenes those two still show their terrific chemistry together. The Holtz stuff was fairly interesting; I loved his little conversation with Lilah, but the ending is the most powerful and chilling scene he has.
I have to point out though, poor Lorne, he's just got his club back up only for it to be decimated again. I'm a little sad this is the last we'll ever see of Caritas (though that was properly in the third episode of the season) as it was a nice social place for the group. (9.5/10)

A3.10 Dad
I didn't enjoy this episode much when I first saw it, but I love it more and more every time I see it. Knowing what Angel does in the episode is a fakeout makes it much more enjoyable I think as you can watch it knowing that Angel didn't desert his team.
Angel as the papa-bear here is very sweet. I love his scenes trying to get Connor to stop crying, especially when he vamps out; little weird to see a vamp talking baby talk though! His protectiveness over the baby from the cults, Wolfram and Hart and even the rest of the team is endearing even if it is a little misplaced. I'm not sure that I totally buy that Connor is safe now after Angel's little trick, but I guess it makes him safer and it stops the team constantly living in fear.
The Holtz, Justine stuff slowed the episode down a bit, they have some interesting episodes together but this isn't one of them. Also I must mention that I loved the women down in the W&H Archives, so makes sense that she would basically be a human archive- so Wolfram and Hart to do that! (9/10)


shawnlunn2002 said...

I liked all of these Darla/Holtz arc episodes but out of the four of them, Lullaby was the strongest. I think a lot of the best Angel episodes were written by Tim Minear, who wrote that one.

Nat said...

Lullaby is such a wonderful episode, but I suppose its because Connor is finally born and the whole thing comes together.