B7.16 Storyteller
Whilst its nice to get a little background as to what happened before Andrew killed Jonathan, this episode feels a little strange. Its format and focusing on a minor character feels a little weird and it doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the season, especially so late on. Andrew can be funny though, so it wasn't awful. Having to see so much of the Trio is a little annoying though. It was nice to see Xander and Anya make nice after their previous year of difficulties, even if they're not meant to be as a couple. The students freaking out on the Hellmouth was also fun to see; calling back to many season 1-3 storylines. (7.5/10)
B7.17 Lies My Parents Told Me
My opinion on this episode has definitely changed from the last time I watched it. Whilst it is still an excellent episode, I'm more firmly on Wood's side here. They are in a war, but Wood's need for vengeance here is completely understandable. Giles too, had just cause for worrying about Spike, since Buffy seems to be more blind to the danger he poses than she did to Angel. Now I'm not saying Buffy is totally wrong for saying Spike has changed because the soul has surely changed who he is, just like it changed Angel, but its unfair for her to shut Giles out (literally and figuratively) at the end of the episode.
The flashbacks are a fun and effective way for Spike to work out his Oedipal issues, which are allowing the First to take control of him. The episode is flawed though in the fact that even after Spike is sired, he still dotes on his mother, but she completely turns on him. The writing here isn't completely consistent with how far the demon takes over the body as Spike's inner demon doesn't seem to have complete control over him. Therefore when Spike tells Robin that his mother loved him, the point isn't quite true. Similarly when Spike tells Robin that Nikki didn't love him completely, well that isn't true either. I severely don't think that Nikki should've given up her calling just because she had a son. She wouldn't have been able to live with herself of she had. Like Buffy she doesn't have the luxury of choosing to protect the world. It chose her. (8.5/10)
A4.14 Release
The Faith and Wesley aspect of this episode is very strong. Its understandable that Faith would be off her game, now she's reformed after her stint in prison. She's used to fighting like she didn't care for her life and now she does, forcing her to adjust. Wes, is very in tune with this and knows just what to do and say to get her back to her best. Their confrontation over her torturing him was particularly notable as Wes has never had a chance to avenge this and so its only right he get's a chance to say what he's probably wanted to say for 3 years.
The activities at the hotel are less interesting however. Gunn and Fred's interactions weren't that thrilling, though it did give them a chance for closure. I didn't care for Connor and Cordy much either, they are a bit icky, though the scene where Connor checks for vampire-ness was funny. I also wasn't a fan of Cordy/the Beast master speaking to Angelus in his head. The 'British' voice was a little cheesy and it made the scenes where Angelus was talking to her a bit weird. (8/10)
A4.15 Orpheus
When Willow comes to LA in his episode, it does make you wonder why in the story they never thought of that beforehand. However her return, at any time is welcome and her interactions with all the cast members here are a lot of fun. All the Sunnydale characters here have changed a lot since they were last all together in Buffy's season 3, so there's a lot of catching up to do as well as a lot of changed agenda's. However considering Cordy and Willow's history, it is fun to see them fight magically even if Willow doesn't know it. The Connor and Cordy stuff continues to get more icky, which Fred thankfully points out but the end reveal more than makes up for it.
The Angelus/Faith flashbacking, isn't my favourite aspect of the episode as its a bit of a weird concept, but it acts as a nice character arc for Faith and gets her back to where she needs to be for her time in Sunnydale. As for Angel's soul being returned, I can't say that I'm that sad to see Angelus leave. He started off the arc so interesting and fun to watch, but he hasn't really done anything that evil this time round (probably so Angel doesn't have to atone for it), apart from a lot of talking especially in the last couple of episodes. (9.5/10)
Storyteller's okay but I still don't like Andrew and Lies My Parents Told Me has some wonderful moments - except for Buffy turning on Giles in the end. Hated that one.
Release and Orpheus are brilliant episodes. Loved Willow appearing in the latter one.
I hated Buffy turning on Giles in the end also. They never really make up in the show, which is sad, though they do put their differences behind them.
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