Saturday, 19 June 2010

Entourage Season 7 Premiere Party Photos- Whedon Alum to star?

One of my favourite things about HBO (and other cable networks) shows is that they hold cast premieres for each season of the show. True Blood recently had theirs and now is the turn of Entourage.

Their photos can be viewed here thanks to spoilertv. Along with the usual pictures of the boys and their girls on the show, lots of the seasons guest stars will pop up at the party. Case in point there are pictures of Autumn Reeser (reprising her role as agent Lizzie), Lenny Kravitz (starring as himself) Constance Zimmer (reprising her role as head of studio Dana Gordon as well as many others who will undoubtedly appear in the show.

However I was very intrigued to see the following photo... of Whedon alum Nathan Fillion. Now I'm a big Fillion fan and I would love to see him on the show, but I haven't heard any rumours about this. Now he might've just turned up for some HBO fun or because he's dating someone else appearing on the show. However since HBO don't tend to release many details about their shows too early, it could be entirely possible that he will be appearing in the show. If he is it will be very exciting and I look forward to see if he will be in character or playing himself. Due to his recent success with Castle, he might just be famous enough to appear on the show as himself.

Watch this space for updates!

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