Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Buffy and Angel Rewatch part 55

B7.07 Conversations With Dead People
I'm not the biggest fan of this episode because I'm not a fan of scary movies or anything like that and the Dawn portion of this episode is definitely that. Still the episode kick starts the arc that will take us into the finale, in a major way. Evil is most definitely coming and its coming after the Scoobies. Though Dawn's is the scariest story, Willow's is definitely the creepiest. It would've perhaps been nicer to see Tara herself, but Cassie was a good second best as she was excellent as the evil masked as good thing. Buffy's story was perhaps the funniest and seeing her go through a form of therapy was interesting as we saw her lay out what she really feels. Spike's storyline was obviously more to do with the next episodes story, but it lay a decent foundation, in an entirely silent story. I was a little sad to see Jonathan's death or more specifically the Trio back in force. Jonathan was always the most likable one and funnily enough as they pondered, the one most likely to be allowed to join the Scoobies, more so than Andrew was. Though it was a real shame not to have a story from Xander, the format of this episode was a nice one and was more enjoyable than I previously thought. (8.5/10)

B7.08 Sleeper
This episode is a little slow to begin with and I think I would've liked more fallout out from the previous episode. However it was a tantalizing look at the Big Bad and just how influential it is. To make Spike kill even with his soul was a powerful thing and something which obviously will have a great effect on him as the season goes on. There were some funny scenes, with Anya and Xander and then Anya and Spike which helped to break the episode up a little, but overall it was a little too slow paced. (7/10)

A4.07 Apocalypse Nowish
Its hard not to love this episode. Visually alone this is an incredible episode to watch, the rain of fire is beautiful and thrilling to see and the make-up for the Beast is incredible. Storyline wise, seeing all the signs of the apocalypse rain down on LA was pretty exciting; we've never seen an apocalypse before in the Buffyverse, not really, so seeing the 'traditional' signs afflict the team was enjoyable and scary at the same time. The Cordy/Connor sex is obviously a low point of the episode, though Angel's reaction is just wonderful. For the purpose of this review and future season 4 ones (up until Inside Out), I'll be referring to Jasmine when I refer to Cordy because the idea that Cordy herself is in the driving seat when she sleeps with Connor is just too icky. I think the highlight of the episode for me is the boys all working together finally. Wesley has been estranged for so long now and it gave me a real kick to see them all working and fighting side by side at last. (10/10)

A4.08 Habeas Corpses
After such an incredible episode, there were perhaps only a few ways to follow it up. But honestly would anyone have thought it would be to have the Beast kill all of W&H? Killing of the show's big bad was a brave decision. They have been dogging Angel for years now, constantly a looming presence and with their end here they won't really be an opposing evil force until late in season 5. It also creates major questions as to the Beasts goal and the extent of its strength, shown by his killing of the White Room girl to not be just physical. Overall this is an enjoyable episode. I'm not mad on the zombies and glad we didn't have to put up with too much of them.
The show perfectly manages to balance humour and drama in this episode. Lilah's ironic comments on W&H's safety in an apocalypse, Lorne checking his drink, Angel's biting remarks to Cordy and his throwaway line of not letting Cordy fight and then telling Fred to hurry up was hilarious. The drama came from the W&H deaths, the White Room, and of course one of my favourite speeches from the show, when Lilah waxes lyrical on white and black. And of course the highlight of this episode was Gavin's death, he's been a thoroughly irritating character and I was glad to see the back of him! (9/10)


shawnlunn2002 said...

I love Conversations With Dead People, it's my Top 5 but I wished that Andrew had died instead of Jonathan but that's another issue. Sleeper's good but we've had better.

And Apocalypse Nowish and Habeas Corpses are brilliant episodes. I'm really fond of Angel's fourth season.

Nat said...

It would've been nice to have Jonathan around rather than Andrew, the season would've been very different if he had though.

Sleeper's an odd episode in that nothing really seems to happen- as evidenced by my very short review of it. I just couldn't think of much to say about it!