Monday 4 October 2010

Pilot Watching 2010 Part 2

My Generation

This pilot hasn't garnered much critical attention. The cast are made up of largely unknowns and the documentary style is a well used one. However despite some bad press, this pilot wasn't half bad. There were some definite plot issues sure and I'm honetsly not sure how they will keep this premise going. However, most of the stories were intriguing and there is definitely enough to keep me interested until the next episode.
I liked they way in which they used the past 10 years of history as a backdrop to characters lives. Being able to flashback and forwards allows them to do this in an itelligent way, with hindsight, unlike the current trend of shows to cover the recession, when really, it's overkill (DH and B&S I'm looking at you!).
Overall this is quite a nice show and I'll be tuning in for episode number 2, though I won't be expecting a long run for the show. (7/10)

EDIT: Since writing this review (took me a while to actually post) the show has been cancelled. Sad to see after just 2 episodes but it's not really a surprise. I did like the premise and though the execution/cast could've been better, it's a shame to see it go. Not sure if I'll get round to watching the second episode now, since there's not really much point.


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