Buffy Season 6
The overall arc of the show was very different from any other the show has had. Instead of the arc being based around the season's Big Bad, it was based around the characters- their depression, their addictions, their fears and ultimately their failings. Giles was right in the finale when he said he should have never left. Without a parental figure the characters floundered! I must say Giles' leaving did impact on the feel of the show. The gang tended not to deal with monsters unless they had to and there was very little of the traditional research done, which definitely changed the vibe of the show.
Its a shame to see Anya leave the group after 'Hell's Bells'. With the sad death of Tara, its reduces the core Scooby group that has been in place since at least season 5 and definitely causes a shift in dynamic leading up to season 7.
Overall I think this is a highly enjoyable season. Its very dark and different from the earlier seasons, but the arcs are strong and the episode are mostly of very high quality. (8.5/10)
Angel season 3
This was Angel's first major arc season, in which most of the episodes contributed to the overall season arc; there were very few stand alone episodes or cases that dominated the episodes.
Mostly I love this season. The idea of giving Angel a child definitely adds a dimension to the character and show and propels all the characters forward.
For the characters, the season mostly depends on the romantic relationships that form. The gang work so closely and in such a strange world that its only natural that they should start to look at each other in a different light. The Gunn, Wes and Fred triangle is perhaps the most tragic. Wes, bumbling and English, fails to make his move on Fred. Of course he is hampered by his misogynistic chase of her in 'Billy' but Gunn, whose probably better at attracting the ladies manages to do what Wes can't.
The other relationship was of course was Cordy and Angel. As shown in 'Birthday', the night she met Angel in LA, the course of Cordy's life changed forever and soon after she joined Angel Investigations she stopped being the queen bitch she was in LA, though thankfully she still retained her edge. With Cordy's more saintly personality and her sacrifices, its little wonder that Angel fell in love with her. Some don't really like this character development, but I think it was natural and the characters work well together as episodes like 'Waiting in the Wings' show. Personally I love the pair together. Sadly of course it is never to be.
There were lots of new characters this season. Angel Investigations had Fred who had already been introduced and Lorne became more involved with the group, more than I realised he had been. There was of course Connor. a lot of people don't like him and I do concede that he becomes more annoying in season 4, here he is just a troubled teenager, who has been given a bad lot in life.
Wolfram Hart gained two replacements this year, Linwood and Gavin, both as annoying as each other. Gavin was very effective in what he did, installing cameras in the hotel, but mostly he just grated. Fortunately we got to see more of Lilah, more in charge but who became a lot more interesting once we saw her weaknesses.
Overall this was a strong season. There were a couple of bad episodes and some mediocre ones, but there were plenty amazing ones too. (8.5/10)
Buffy and Angel
These are probably the hardest seasons of the shows to watch together so far, as apart from some brief scenes at the beginning of the seasons there wasn't really any crossovers making them completely separate shows.
Both seasons were heavily arced with many episodes spilling over into the next (especially Angel) which meant that I often watched up to 5 episodes of one show before going back to the other one, which made it a little disjointing to watch sometimes.
Couples were hugely important in these two seasons as well. In Angel they spent most of the time circling each other than in actual relationships, to extent this was true in Buffy as well with most of the couples spending time in a 'not official' state.
Neither were perfect seasons but both of them had certainly some memorable episodes and definitely deaths with characters like Tara and Darla. Looking forward to your next reviews.
No, both definitely had some not so good episode, but overall they were both very enjoyable and memorable.
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