Still the episode was a good one, I love the Rusty/Ashleigh pairing, bizarrely it works and we also got some nice genuine banter between Rusty and Dale, though I was expecting more fall out from Rusty getting the grant.
We also got to see the brilliant Rebecca/Cappie pairing, as they play girl/boyfriend swap. It was a silly but funny storyline and its sweet to see that Cappie still cares for Rebecca. Also hopefully this is the last of we've seen of the Amphora society, which was an annoying and silly storyline.
Greek- 3x13 Take Me Out
Rusty also had an enjoyable storyline learning to respect Grant whilst also growing into his role of pledge educator. Grant isn't a hugely likable character and Calvin could definitely do better, but their relationship is interesting for now.
Another enjoyable relationship is Rebecca and Evan. They're well matched with each other and Rebecca is refreshingly realistic against the fairytale, sickly sweetness of Casey and Cappie. Speaking of I'm thrilled Casey didn't throw the game for her boyfriend, winning made a much more emotionally satisfactory outcome to the game. Also I must say I'm enjoying the Gamma Psi girls as the Zeta Beta's enemies. I've always said the girls need an arch rival in the show and Frannie's house last season didn't quite work out. The Gamma Psi's make worthy adversaries.
Greek- 3x14 Tortoise and The Hair
Casey pursuing her political career felt a little false considering she has tired law and politics before and dismissed them so what is different now? The politics makes some sense, but I can't buy her doing her LSAT's; she could've easily chosen another post-grad course to do. Even though Cappie was a little cheesy, it was nice to see Casey and Cappie facing up to the future maturely, especially Casey in choosing her career first and foremost.
Desperate Housewives- 6x04 The God Why Don't You Love Me Blues
The Lynette boob storyline was in part funny, I really liked her scenes with Tom, but with Carlos it felt sleazy and perhaps a little exaggerated (they weren't that big!). Would Carlos be so openly leery of his wife's friend?
Maybe his behaviour was done to make Gaby's in making Ana lie for her seem less bad. Whilst I'm thrilled that Gaby is committed to Carlos and sets both John and Ana straight, it was unfair of her to make Ana do that. Hopefully that's the last we'll see of John as his returned was not really welcomed.
Angie and Danny whilst being very mysterious have a twisted and yet quite sweet relationship, lets hope that whatever's happened in their past, their relationship stays that ways as its quite refreshing.
I enjoyed finding out what Julie has been doing for the last few years and that she is not the perfect daughter she once was, but Susan's shrillness was a little tiring. I already knew that Nick was Julie's ex lover, but it could be interesting to see how it plays out now that we know.
Eastenders- 25th Anniversary Live Episode
The aftermath show on BBC 3 afterwards was suitably cheesy and its a shame that they didn't have more old cast members on the show and I did enjoy Larry Lamb being interviewed by son George as it was one of the funniest things of the night (apart from Bradley's death, which I rather morbidly found to be really quite funny!!)
Dollhouse- 2x09 The Attic
The living hells of the dolls were okay, but I would've liked to have seen more of Victor's and Sierra's. Clyde's living hell of the future was the most interesting as well as finding out key details of Rossum's inception. Really looking forward to the final episodes now.
Brothers and Sisters- 4x06 Zen and the Art of Mole Making
Storyline, the episode was less impressive, I liked that Kevin had doubt's and he and Scotty shared some sweet moments over their surrogacy woes, but I'm a little skeptical now that she's likely going to be their surrogate. Think Sarah had it right to begin with, even with Paige's blessing, allowing Luc to stay in her home and inviting him into her children's lives after knowing him for a couple of months feels a little irresponsible. The Holly/ Ryan storylines weren't that compelling, but I did like that Kitty counseled Tommy through whats effectively his mid life crisis. She's the best person to do it really considering they have a lot in common children wise. The ending was great though with Tommy going to patch up his family and Nora for once staying out of it.
Grey's Anatomy- 6x05 Invasion
As a side storyline, Callie got some acceptance from her father. This was a sweet storyline, if a little saccharine. I thought Arizona was refreshingly mature, seeing things from Hector's point of view and encouraging Callie to patch up her relationship with him. Also the bible verbal contest was pretty funny.
I don't watch Greek so I can't comment but I did watch the live EastEnders and thought it was really good.
EE definitely stepped up its game for the episode and they definitely deserve a lot of praise for pulling it off. I couldn't watch EE regularly but once in a while and for their big episodes, it can be a very enjoyable show.
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