The first half of one of my favourite episodes of the show. As it's the first of a two parter, much of this episode is quite slow. We have a lot of career day stuff as well as Buffy skating and wandering the streets. The Order of Tanaka sent after Buffy is very interesting though, I loved the fake-out with Kendra being initially set up as one of the Order. The genuine fear of Giles added an element of genuine danger to the show, that isn't always there. I also loved slowly finding out what Spike and Dru are up to with the tarot cards revealing the story especially the ending, showing the picture of an Angel, (thought admittedly I didn't realise this on first watch as the picture isn't completely obvious) hinting at what will happen in the next episode. The only bit I really didn't like was the Buffy kissing Angel with the vamp face, it was quite the urgh *gag* moment especially considering we've seen vampires 'vamp' in and out quickly so there's no real reason for him to keep his bumpy-faceness. I know the moment was meant to signify that she loves him no matter what blah blah blah but I found it quite gross to be honest. (8/10)
2.10 Whats My Line Part 2
A very satisfying conclusion to the two parter. The reveal at the end of the previous episode that Kendra is in fact another Slayer was a brilliant one and adds a lot to the episode as she is basically the anti-Buffy, but in a good way. The conflict between her and Buffy set a precedent for the future Buffy/Faith conflict but I liked that eventually Kendra and Buffy find a mutual understanding. There was a lot packed into this episode, the Oz/Willow cuteness, the Xander/Cordy kisses (accompanied by that brilliant swelling music and eww another bug man!) Drusilla torturing Angel an almighty fight at the climax of the episode. Drusilla rising from the ashes was proabably the most surprising and creepy bit of the episode; definitely left a chilling feeling both the first time and this time I watched the episode. (9/10)
2.11 Ted
This episode was the first one I watched, when I started watching the show properly. (the first episodes I actually watched were from season 5) It's a bit of a creepy episode and not too dissimilar to the season 4 episode 'Living Conditions,' where once again Buffy is suspicious of someone everybody else likes. Its a decent enough episode, though I must've liked it more the first time round as it was enough to start me watching the show! John Ritter is good as the psycho boyfriend and its nice to see Joyce get her own storyline. I also really enjoyed Giles/Jenny getting back together and for once I liked the Buffy/Angel stuff, with Angel injecting some much needed perspective into Buffy's opinions. (7.5/10)
2.12 Bad Eggs
Not a fan of this episode, another gross one. Makes me never want to eat eggs (especially boiled again!!) The idea itself was good, the demon making the students of Sunnydale into her minions to dig her up. I liked the storyline of Buffy dealing with responsibility or at least in Joyce's eyes, but in a way it makes you wish Buffy would just tell Joyce about her calling- getting Giles and the rest of the Scooby's to back her up, it would make her life a lot more simple! (6.5/10)
I love the whole What's My Line two parter, definitely one of the stronger ones. Ted was fun too but I can't really stand Bad Eggs.
Yeah I really wasn't looking forward to watching Bad Eggs. The only thing about committing myself to doing a re-watch is that I can't miss episodes, as much as sometimes I would like to!!
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