Watching the episodes in quick succession, it strikes me as a little odd that they would have 2 two-parter episodes so closely together, the other being just two episodes ago. However as two-parter episodes go, this one is pretty epic. The first half is a little slower, mostly containing Buffy and Angel's relationship which as I have said I'm not a fan off when it gets too mushy, which it did here- frequently. Still I appreciate the message they are putting across- the pair are very much in love and it is a wonderful set up for the next episode. Buffy's (shortened) birthday party is one of the highlights of this episode as is Drusilla's party which is the first time we really see Drusilla at her most mad. The changing of dynamics between Spike and Dru is of note here too with Spike being the sick one. It's interesting to see how they interact how that he's in a wheelchair. I also loved the scene where Oz asks Willow out, I personally think its one of the cutest scenes in the show. (8/10)
2.14 Surprise
A really excellent and one of my favourite episodes of the show. Buffy (and Angel more specifically) are given happiness and then it is cruelly taken away from them. Despite not being a big fan of the relationship, watching Buffy deal with Angel losing his soul is heartbreaking and Sarah Michelle Gellar really shows off what she can do. David Boreanaz also gets a chance for some proper acting and its little wonder why his turn as Angelus convinced Joss Whedon that he needed his own show.
Demon wise I love how they kill the Judge, the showdown scene produces two iconic images from the show- the Scoobies marching towards the Judge and Buffy looking over the gun. I also adored the Willow Oz scene in the van- one of my favourite scenes of the whole show- these two have such a chemistry and what Oz says is just so sweet. One scene I also wanted to highlight was when Giles realises that Buffy has had sex with Angel- its such an awkward 'dad finding out his daughter has had sex' moment and was played really well.
One thing I didn't like about this episode was how both Giles and Buffy were so hard on Jenny; yes she kept her identity secret but what happened wasn't her fault and she also suffers a loss in this episode. Giles was especially hard on Jenny, and continues to be over the next few episodes which I think is very unfair. (9.5/10)
2.15 Phases
I love this episode. It's not the shows best, but I'm a big Oz fan and I love the attention on him in this episode. The Willow/Oz moments were adorable, especially at the start and end of the episode. I like the mystery of not knowing who the werewolf is, thought admittedly that is lost on second watch. I also thought the subtle continuation of Angelus' Buffy obsession by siring Theresa, was well done and continues that particular storyline thread without it being too overt in the episode. It maybe why the Angelus arc as a whole is so good to watch. Other good bits were Giles getting excited over researching werewolves and the hunter. Even though I'm glad he didn't get Oz I think the idea of a mercenary werewolf hunter is a neat one. (8.5/10)
2.16 Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered
I think this might be one of my favourite Xander centric episodes. Most of his are quite light hearted and this is no exception with the entire female population of Sunnydale (minus Cordy) falling in love with Xander. Its lots of fun, with the female characters all playing femme fetale with Xander and watching him running around terrified. The episode has a much darker undertone with Giles pointing out the difference between love and obsession something which is paralleled with Angel's obsession with Buffy- this is something I only noticed this time round which goes to show how rich and deep this show is. (8/10)