Thursday, 20 August 2009

Chuck in 3D!

Chuck's 3D episode airs on Virgin 1 next week! 3D glasses are available by buying this week's TV and Satellite Weekly. However I got my own glasses through Virgin1's competition. They arrived the other day- I was very excited!!

If you've got the 3D glasses you can test them here.

In other TV news:

  • Dollhouse will air in the UK just a few weeks after its original broadcast. Good news methinks, will be nice not have to wait.
  • Glee have posted this awesome video of the cast performing Kayne West's 'Golddigger'. I seriously can't wait to see the performance in full. All the spoilers and promos coming out for the show look amazing, easily my most anticipated show for next year.


shawnlunn2002 said...

Excellent blog, Nat. There's some Season 2 Dollhouse cast shot on mine, discovered them last night.

Looking forward to the second season on Sci-Fi. Good that they're airing them early.

Nat said...

I'm really pleased about Dollhouse, it will be nice not to be weeks behind and subsequently spoiled about the show!